Toyota of North Charlotte

Do you need roadside assistance for your new Toyota car?

Have you been considering getting roadside assistance for your new Toyota near Charlotte? If you have, you can put a stop to it – did you know that your new Toyota car actually comes with ToyotaCare, which offers you one year of complimentary roadside assistance? It’s an excellent insurance policy to have on your ride, and we highly recommend that you take advantage of it. However, not all new cars are like our N Charlotte Toyota vehicles, so if your ride doesn’t have this coverage, should you consider buying it? We say yes! 

Should you consider roadside assistance coverage? 

What’s so great about N Charlotte Toyota roadside assistance? Basically, it’s like having an extra insurance policy on your side – it can get you out of a jam, save you money, and save you a whole lot of hassle. We’re here to break it down and point out the perks of investing in roadside assistance for your N Charlotte Toyota before you hit the road! Here’s why we think you should find yourself this important coverage: 
Because accidents happen! Unfortunately, car accidents and collision are a part of everyday driving in your N Charlotte Toyota, whether they’re your fault or the fault of other drivers. Having roadside assistance means you have a tow service ready and waiting to get your car to our N Charlotte Toyota Collision Center! 
Because you make mistakes. Ever locked your keys inside your car? We have – really, who hasn’t at least once? Roadside assistance can send someone out to pop the lock and get you back inside your ride with as little hassle as possible. Ever run out of gas? It happens, and a tech can deliver a can of gas to your car to get you back on your way in no time! 
Because you may not be an automotive all-star. Not everyone knows how to change a flat tire or replace a burnt out fuse or spark plug, and that’s fine! With this coverage, a tech can come straight to you and handle the situation at hand so you can be on your way either to your final destination OR our Toyota Service Center in N Charlotte! 
Because batteries die! Have you ever been stuck in need of a jump-start but unable to find jumper cables or another car? Do you even know how to jumpstart a car? Roadside assistance can get someone out to help you wherever you might be stuck and ensure you get back on your way safely! 

Know when to get this coverage for your N Charlotte Toyota 

As you can see, there are a lot of perks to having roadside assistance for your N Charlotte Toyota. Here are a few instances where we strongly recommend investing in it: 
  • If you have a long commute
  • If your drive time takes you to rural areas with long, empty stretches of road 
  • If your car is older or is experiencing mechanical issues 
Want to learn more about ToyotaCare or roadside assistance? Come on into Toyota of N Charlotte and see us – we’re just off I-77 at exit 23!