9 Investigates: Do AmVets donations help vets?

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CHARLOTTE, N.C. — If you've received patriotic-looking letters in the mail that contain pink plastic bags, they are from AmVets National Service Foundation.

The foundation asks you to fill a pink bag with donations to help veterans.

PAST ARTICLE: 9 Investigates: Are veterans receiving your donations?

Three months ago, Channel 9 uncovered that AmVets NSF actually sells your donated items in a for-profit Community Thrift Store on Freedom Drive.

LINK: List of accredited charities from the BBB

An undisclosed portion of the profits is returned to AmVets NSF to be used for programs to assist servicemen and women.

The Better Business Bureau said AmVets NSF does not meet five of its 20 standards for Charity Accountability.

When we alerted AmVets NSF Executive Director Kent Clark about that, he sent a letter to Channel 9 stating that he had reached out to the BBB to address the issue. He also stated that AmVets NSF had made changes to become more open and transparent.

We took that letter to BBB President Tom Bartholomy, who said the BBB national office and its Wise Giving Alliance staff have no record of any contact from AmVets NSF.

Despite the letter's claims of increased openness and transparency, Bartholomy said not much has changed at AmVets NSF and the organization still does not meet all of the BBB standards.

"We have reached out to AmVets NSF on three separate occasions nationally to try to get updated information from them so we can do a new review of their operations, to date we've not received any reply,"Bartholomy said.

Bartholomy added that AmVets NSF has not provided audited financial statements and other documents that would give a clearer picture of its cash flow.

"For whatever reason, they have failed to supply us with the information that we requested. They're not compelled to," said Bartholomy.  "It is voluntary that they provide this information but why wouldn't you if you want to be seen as open and transparent."

The BBB reminds donors that many veterans' charities and organizations meet all 20 of its standards.

"If you're comfortable contributing money to an organization that doesn't disclose how it's obtaining and using the funds that you are contributing to it, then that's your call. But we encourage people to give and give wisely," Bartholomy said.