
The Political Beat Candidate Guide: Lieutenant Governor

The Political Beat

CHARLOTTE — General elections in North Carolina are set for Nov. 5, and many statewide offices have candidates in the running from the Democratic and Republican parties.

North Carolina’s lieutenant governor’s race pits State Senator Rachel Hunt, the daughter of former Gov. Jim Hunt, against Hal Weatherman, former Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest’s chief of staff. Wayne Jones and Shannon Bray are also running.

Below are the unedited responses from candidates running for Lieutenant Governor in North Carolina.

Rachel Hunt

What is your occupation? Senator, College Counselor, Family Law Attorney.

Why are you running? I’m running to bring common sense leadership back to Raleigh that focuses on working together on the issues that unite us instead of pushing division. North Carolina deserves leaders who will prioritize protecting the rights of our citizens and continuing to grow our economy.

What is the most important issue and how do you plan to address it? If elected Lieutenant Governor, I’ll focus on making North Carolina the best state in the nation to live, work, and raise a family. I’ll do that by advocating for more funding for local law enforcement, expanding job training programs in community colleges, increasing teacher pay , and expanding access to affordable childcare.

What limits do you support on abortion in North Carolina? I support the precedent set by Roe and introduced a constitutional amendment to allow the voters of North Carolina to choose for themselves how to regulate access to abortion, IVF, and birth control. This stands in contrast to my opponent who wants to take his total abortion ban “all the way to conception” which would block access to care in cases of rape or incest and even procedures like IVF.

How will you use the Lieutenant Governor position to benefit everyday people? If elected, I will use the office of Lieutenant Governor to represent the voices of all North Carolinians in the General Assembly. The LG is the only office in North Carolina that serves in both the executive and legislative branches and if given the opportunity I will use the position to bring attention to the issues that matter most to the people of our state.

How would you use your powers as Lieutenant Governor when the Governor is out of the state? My job as Lieutenant Governor will be the same regardless of who serves as Governor or whether or not they’re present in the state. I’ll focus on being the voice of all North Carolinians in Raleigh and work with the legislature to improve our education system, expand access to quality childcare, and protect a woman’s right to choose.

What sets you apart from your opponents? There are many things that separate me from my opponent, primarily our respect for women and all of our fellow citizens. Hal Weatherman has said that rape isn’t real because “girls can be teases” and proudly supports his running mate Mark Robinson, a self proclaimed “Nazi”. An extremist like this is simply unfit to serve the people of North Carolina as their Lieutenant Governor.

Hal Weatherman

Hal Weatherman

What is your occupation? President and Founder of the Electoral Education Foundation.

Why are you running? I am tired of money driven campaigns and candidates who only appeal to the fears and anxieties of our people, rather than their hopes and aspirations. I will run a campaign that paints an optimistic vision for our state and lifts up the people of our state. I am a principled limited government Conservative - fiscal and social. I believe in our country’s founding principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I believe all mankind was created in God’s image and that our individual rights derive not from man or man-made governments, but are inherently bestowed upon us by our Creator and are worth preserving.

What is the most important issue and how do you plan to address it? My primary goal in seeking the office of Lt. Governor is to use the authority of the office to fundamentally remove the stigma our society has placed on working in the trades. The Lt. Governor serves on the State Board of Education and the State Community College Board of Directors, providing a unique opportunity of influence to advance a new culture in our state that values entrepreneurship, trade work and small business ownership .I want individuals and our state government to become self-sufficient and dependent on no one else.

What limits do you support on abortion in North Carolina? I am pro-life and will advocate for a “Heart Beat” bill before the General Assembly ending abortion when the heart of the unborn is first detected. I believe in exceptions in the case of rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother. Furthermore, I support contraception and IVF along with creating a culture of life that helps all mothers not just during pregnancy but afterward. As Lt. Governor, I will work to streamline the cumbersome adoption process and push for tax breaks and financial resources for families who adopt. I will support emergency pregnancy health clinics where love and compassion can be shown to women in a time of crisis.

How will you use the Lieutenant Governor position to benefit everyday people? I believe that to lead a state one must first know a state. That is why I have spent nearly 21months traveling our state, going to all 100 counties, and meeting our people where they live. I know our people are the greatest asset for our state. I want to provide a vision for them and speak to their hopes and dreams, not their fears. As Lt Governor, I will continue to travel, listen and learn from the road.

How would you use your powers as Lieutenant Governor when the Governor is out of the state? I believe there is only one Governor at a time. If serving as acting Governor, I will provide stability for the state government until the Governor returns to the state.

What sets you apart from your opponents? I have over 30 years of on the job training and experience, including serving as Chief of Staff both to a US Member of Congress and the former Lt. Governor of North Carolina. I know the day to day responsibilities of the position I seek, having served alongside our previous Lt. Governor, Dan Forest. Over the last ten years, I have traveled over 500,000 miles in the state, visiting all 100 counties multiple times. I believe you must know the state to lead the state and I know our state well - it’s strengths and weaknesses. My institutional knowledge will allow me to hit the ground running from day one with no on the job training.

Shannon Bray

Shannon Bray did not respond to the candidate questionnaire. We will update the page with their responses if we receive them.

Wayne Jones

Wayne Jones did not respond to the candidate questionnaire. We will update the page with their responses if we receive them.

(WATCH BELOW: Wake County resident challenges NC’s ballot selfie ban)

Brad Cole,

Brad is a content center producer with Channel 9.