The Political Beat Candidate Guide: Congress District 8

CHARLOTTE — General elections in North Carolina are set for Nov. 5, and many statewide offices have candidates in the running from the Democratic and Republican parties.

District 8 includes part of Cabarrus and Mecklenburg Counties. It includes all of Anson, Stanly, Richmond and Union Counties. Republican Mark Harris is facing Democrat Justin Dues.

The Political Beat asked questions of each candidate in the races. Below are their unedited responses.

Mark Harris

What is your occupation? Pastor.

Why are you running? Simply put, I want to be a voice for the People of the 8th district. Washington DC has become a haven for lobbyists, liberal special interest groups, and politicians who put their own personal agenda ahead of the People. I believe we need less of Washington D.C. in the 8th district and more of the 8th district in Washington D.C.

What is the most important issue and how do you plan to address it? Our economy is in shambles due to inept leadership and flawed policies from this administration. Families can’t afford basic living expenses due to the rising costs or groceries, gas, and housing. We have got to provide real relief to hard working families. In order to do this, we must have family friendly tax policies, secure our southern border, and fix our education system.

What should the federal government’s role be in legislating abortion? I believe our government’s most sacred role is to protect and defend the people of this nation. I believe that we should start with unborn children and protect them through natural death. I will support legislation that will protect the people of this country including the unborn

What role should the United States have in the conflict between Israel and Palestine? Israel’s right to defend its citizens is non-negotiable. I unashamedly fully support Israel’s efforts to safeguard its people from unwarranted and heinous attacks. The attack on October 7 serves as a reminder of the persistent threats Israel faces on a daily basis. As our closest ally in that region, I will continue to stand with Israel.

What sets you apart from your opponents? I don’t personally know the candidate running against me so I can only speak of my own qualifications. Having been a pastor for over 35 years, I’ve had the privilege to walk through life with people. I’ve gone through great experiences with them when life was at its best, and also, I’ve been with them when life has been tough. I have been a voice for families in this region for over a decade. I’m now ready to go to Congress and use that platform to continue to be a voice in Washington for those same people.

Justin Dues

What is your occupation? Entrepreneur & Science Educator.

Why are you running? Similar to why I joined the Marine Corps, I feel a call to serve again. American taxpayers have had to bail out Wall Street, Big Corporations, and special interests too many times. Healthcare should be a human right and not an industry driven by a profit motive. I pledge to do everything possible to improve the day-to-day life of the working class and restore the American Dream.

What is the most important issue and how do you plan to address it? Top priority is combating corruption that both sides are guilty of in Congress by promoting extreme transparency and common-sense solutions. I, like many others, want to leave the planet in a better place than we found it, for our children and generations of others. I’ll regret not trying everything possible to make a positive impact. We need a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to make ‘Gerrymandering’ ILLEGAL across all 50 states which leads to improper representation. We need a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to create ‘TERM LIMITS’ that prevent career politicians at all levels of Congress and Courts. Second to that, America needs a DATA BILL of RIGHTS to safeguard society’s right to privacy and information security.

What should the federal government’s role be in legislating abortion? Finding a compromise between a woman’s right to choose and the protection of human life. Morally we should want to protect all human life, born or unborn but there are situations that abortion should clearly have exceptions. As a society we should also want to promote wise and mature decision making. So if you are mature enough to engage in activity that has the potential to create human life, you should be mature enough to make a morally and ethically correct choice.

What role should the United States have in the conflict between Israel and Palestine? The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. If humanity doesn’t move past continuous conflict and war, it is a bleak future for our children and grandchildren. As a Marine infantry squad leader I witnessed the best, brightest, most courageous men be lost to war - imagine what these men could have done if they were alive to contribute to society? When will we stop shipping children off to fight wars they know nothing about?

What sets you apart from your opponents? I advocate for ethical politics, taking dark money and corporate greed / influence out of government, and addressing issues like universal healthcare, education reform, and climate change. Common Sense + Extreme Transparency = A system that works for ALL. My opponent, Mark Harris, was involved in a ballot-harvesting scandal that resulted in his own son testifying against him publicly in court, felony convictions, and him dropping out of the race.

(WATCH BELOW: Charlotte City Council recommends private company build I-77 toll lanes to SC)

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