Outgoing ambassador Nikki Haley says she brought 'Carolina values' to UN

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — America's outgoing ambassador to the United Nations and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley says she brought 'Carolina values' to the U.N.

News outlets report the 46-year-old Haley spoke in Charlotte, North Carolina, Tuesday while accepting the Charlotte Chamber's 2018 Citizen of the Carolinas award. She credited her time as governor for preparing her for the U.N. She told the crowd of several hundred people that Carolinians take pride in standing for what's right, even if it means standing alone.

She also talked about bringing jobs to the state as governor and providing healing after the 2015 slaying of nine black church members by Dylann Roof. Haley announced last month that she plans to resign from the U.N. this year. It's unclear what she will do next.

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