North Carolina

Tattered American flag made famous during Florence auctioned for Red Cross

WILMINGTON, N.C. — A tattered U.S. flag that captured attention nationwide as it whipped in the wind on the North Carolina coast during Hurricane Florence has been auctioned off to raise money for the American Red Cross.

[LINK: Bid for Frying Pan Tower flag]

The flag was flying over a light station called the Frying Pan Tower as Florence made its approach earlier this month.

The tower's owner, Richard Neal, told The StarNews of Wilmington a live camera feed of the flag blowing in the storm averaged 100,000 viewers an hour on Sept. 13, the day before Florence made landfall.

Neal told the newspaper he is shocked by the outpouring of deep-pocketed offers so far in the charity auction. The winning eBay was $10,900.

Bidding ended at 10 p.m. EST on Sunday.

The Frying Pan Tower's Facebook page said it will receive a replacement flag that has flown over the U.S. Capitol Building.

Hurricane Florence Old Glory flag has generated $10,900 to go to the assistance of the hurricane victims! The auction...

Posted by Frying Pan Tower on Sunday, September 30, 2018

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