Dec. 4, 2007: Complaint filed against Nick Mackey to the North Carolina State Bar by a former client
Dec. 6, 2007: Mackey voted Sheriff of Mecklenburg County
Dec. 13, 2007: Charlotte Mayor, Pat McCrory suggests that sheriff-elect Nick Mackey should turn in his resignation. Mecklenburg County insurance company denies coverage to sherrif-elect Nick Mackey
Dec. 17, 2007: Sheriff-elect Nick Mackey was served a criminal summons by Mecklenburg County sheriff's deputies for possible contempt of court.
Dec. 18, 2007: New lawsuit filed against Nick Mackey by a former client
Jan. 28, 2008: Mecklenburg County's sheriff-elect, Nick Mackey, found guilty of contempt of court, fined $100
Feb. 2, 2008: The state Democratic Party Council of Review meets to hear a grievance on the election that made Nick Mackey the sheriff-elect, and after 11 hours of hearing testimony declares the election void.
Feb. 5, 2008: Lawyers for Nick Mackey ask a judge for a restraining order to stop the county commission from voting Chief Deputy Chipp Bailey into office; the judge denies the order.
Feb. 5, 2008: County commissioners select Chief Deputy Chipp Bailey as the new sheriff. Bailey is sworn in.
November 2008: Nick Mackey wins seat in state legislature in District 99.
May 3, 2010: The North Carolina State Bar suspended Nick Mackey's license to practice law for three years.
May 4, 2010: Nick Mackey was defeated in the primary by Rodney Moore.
June 15, 2011: Nick Mackey's law license reinstated in North Carolina after he petitions the North Carolina Bar.
Dec. 4, 2011: Concord police pull over Nick Mackey for an expired tag. Police said he was unsteady on his feet, was rambling and smelled like alcohol.
May 2013: Drunken driving charges against Nick Mackey were dismissed.