Bipartisan senators grill ICE, border patrol and other officials about family separations

WASHINGTON — Senators launched into a bipartisan grilling of Trump administration officials on Tuesday during a Judiciary Committee hearing focused on reviewing a controversial policy that separated immigrant families who tried to enter the U.S. illegally.

The government is racing to reunite families who were separated under the administration's so-called "zero tolerance" policy. The administration implemented the practice to deter illegal immigration, but later reversed itself in the face of widespread, bipartisan backlash.

"We're here today because the Trump Administration has engaged in ... a deeply immoral and haphazard policy that fundamentally betrays American values, "said California's Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the committee.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, the committee chair, took a more neutral approach but conceded the administration had "mishandled the family separations."

In his opening remarks, the Iowa Republican said the hearing was originally intended to be about something else but "it quickly became evident that more oversight of the administration's entire family separation and reunification effort was needed."

"Like many well-intentioned policies, there were unintended consequences," Grassley said.

Administration officials in charge of border enforcement defended their treatment of those immigrant families apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border, saying they were just following orders in the separations and reunification process.

"We do not leave our humanity behind when we report for duty,” Carla Provost, who is the acting chief of the U.S. Border Patrol said in her opening remarks.

Several dozen protesters, who stood up at the start of Provost's remarks with signs calling for the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reunification of families and more, were immediately escorted out of the hearing room after Provost started speaking.

ICE Executive Director of Enforcements and Removal Operations Matthew Albence pushed back on allegations that children were kept in bars in detention. He described the "family residential centers" where children were housed as "more like a summer camp" because of 24/7 access to food and water, educational and recreational opportunities and medical care.

He also said allegations of abuse reported by the New York Times were investigated and his agency was committed to providing a detailed plan to end abuse within facilities.

On Monday, a federal judge ruled that minors held in a Texas facility were so troubling that she ordered the government to transfer all the children to other facilities until improvements could be made.

But top federal official, Jonathan White, with the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, admitted that there had been concerns about the policy.

“During the deliberative process over the previous year, we raised a number of concerns in the (Office of Refugee Resettlement) program about any policy which would result in family separation due to concerns we had about the best interest of the child as well as about whether that would be operationally supportable with the bed capacity that we have," he said.

One exchange was emblematic of the exhaustion over the entire situation. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat from Rhode Island, asked each of the panelists what had gone wrong.

Each of the agency representatives said they were simply doing their job and staying in their lane, which led Whitehouse to ask the panelist, James McHenry III, the head of the Department of Justice Executive Office For Immigration Review: “You wash your hands of this one?”

The administration's "zero tolerance" policy required that most people apprehended trying to illegally cross the border were to be charged with a criminal violation, and sent to immigration detention centers or federal prisons to await deportation hearings. That prompted the government to separate them from their children, due to a U.S. law and a 1997 court settlement, known as the Flores Consent Decree, that limits the detention of children to no more than 20 days.

The policy was widely condemned - including by Trump's own family - and the president signed an executive order ending the practice in an attempt to mitigate the problem.

A week later, U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw, based in San Diego, ruled that the practice may have violated the due process rights of the families, and ordered the administration to reunite them within 30 days.

Lawyers on both sides are now at odds over whether the government met the judge's final deadline, which passed last Thursday.

Justice Department lawyers say they fully complied by reuniting 1,442 children with their parents by the deadline. ACLU attorneys, who brought the lawsuit against the administration, say that wasn't nearly enough. They contend that the government originally identified more than 2,500 children that should have been reunited with their parents.

Sabraw said the government deserves "great credit" for the reunification of families it completed, but said the administration still has much work remaining to reunite those whose parents were deported without their children.

"The government is at fault for losing several hundred parents in the process," Sabraw said during a court hearing last Friday.

White said 429 children have not been reunited with their parents because their parents were deported. He said there was no official deadline for reunifying these children but said "my preferred deadline for my team is absolutely as quickly as humanly possible.”

Lawmakers interrogated administration officials over the process that would allow parents to agree to be deported without their children. Officials pushed back on reports that parents did not understand what they were signing when they agreed to leave the country without their child.

White said parents first had face-to-face interviews where they were asked if they would be deported without their children. Once they agreed, they were asked to sign written waivers.

White said "it might be unfathomable to understand why someone when presented with the opportunity" would be deported without their children, but he said some of the countries they were going back to were so dangerous the parents would rather leave their children behind to keep them safe.

Trump has called on Congress to find a permanent solution for an immigration system that he blames for allowing family units to enter the country and be released on parole as they await their deportation hearings. So far, lawmakers have failed to do so despite the introduction of multiple bills addressing the situation.

Lawmakers remained divided mostly along partisan lines on what should happen to the reunited families, most of whom come from Central American countries.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said there was "widespread agreement" among all lawmakers that "the best place for children is with their moms and dads, but at the same time I believe it is imperative that we enforce the law.”

Some Republicans, including Grassley, have called for Congress to repeal the requirement under the Flores Settlement that keeps children from being detained for longer than 20 days.

"Congress deserves its fair share of blame," for failing to reverse the Flores Settlement, Grassley said.

Grassley, Cruz fellow Republican Sen. Thom Tillis, of North Carolina, penned an op-ed in USA TODAY on Sunday pressing for a repeal of the Flores settlement as" the only solution to immigrant family separation and detention."

Immigrant advocates and Democratic lawmakers say eliminating that specific provision of the Flores Settlement could result in immigrant families remaining in detention for years to await a hearing before an immigration judge.

The Flores Settlement is "the last thing we should get rid of” said Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the Democratic Whip. He said the court ruling allows for "the humanitarian treatment of unaccompanied minors." He also used his opening statement to call for the for Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to resign over the debacle.

Three Democratic senators have introduced legislation that would reunite families and allow them to stay in the United States until the child’s immigration proceedings are over, or until the child turns 18.

Republicans have rejected the "catch and release" policy because it allows undocumented immigrants to remain in the country for years.

There is, however, a bipartisan bill in the works. Feinstein said she and a group of senators from both parties were working on a narrow bill that would address the situation.