
What's next for this lawn-equipment maker, Lowe's supplier as it grows in Mooresville

MOORESVILLE, N.C. — Battery-powered lawn-equipment maker Greenworks is growing in Mooresville as it releases the second generation of its tools, sold primarily in Lowe’s home-improvement stores.

Located a few miles down the road from the Lowe’s Cos. Inc. corporate base, Greenworks employs up to 75 at its own headquarters after moving in almost four years ago.

Scott Suttle, Greenworks director of sales, said the company has bought a Morganton distribution center with the idea that some production of lawnmowers, weed eaters, trimmers and even utility vehicles could be moved to the United States.

“We bought the space with the possibility that it could happen,” Suttle said. The 510,000-square-foot former furniture center is on 25 acres that Greenworks now owns.

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