
‘We honor them’: Memorial grows outside Watauga Co. Sheriff’s Office for 2 fallen deputies

WATAUGA COUNTY, N.C. — A memorial outside the Watauga County Sheriff’s Office continues to grow Thursday for the two deputies killed in a shooting in Boone.

People have been showing up throughout the day, bringing flowers, cards, candles and other small tributes to show their support for Sgt. Chris Ward and K-9 Deputy Logan Fox.

The two deputies died in a shooting that prompted a 13-hour standoff at a home in Watauga County on Wednesday. Authorities said three other people, including the gunman and a couple, also died.

“They show their love for the community they lay their lives down on the line for us each day,” Donna Ward said. “I can’t imagine what the family is going through, not at all.”

Ward came to the memorial to honor her cousin, Sgt. Ward. She said he was the type of man who would lay down his life for his family.

“I pray everyday for these men. I pray everyday for this country,” she said. “This has just got to stop.”

Nate Porter was friends with Deputy Fox. He said Fox had a special bond with his police dog and loved serving.

“I was at work and I got the phone call. It was a little tough to finish the day,” Porter said.

He said he will miss both men.

“They were two of the nicest people you’d ever meet, and they’d do anything to help somebody,” Porter added.

Even strangers said the growing memorial is just a small sign of how much the deputies’ lives mattered to the people they served.

“We love them, we cherish them, we honor them,” community member Noble Demis said.