
WATCH: Tensions rise when councilman's speech about murdered friend interrupted


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Emotions ran high in the Charlotte City Council Chambers as some members spoke about the friendships they had with the co-owner of Brooks' Sandwich House, who was shot to death Monday morning.

Scott Brooks, 61, was shot and killed outside his family business as he was preparing to open for the day.

Four minutes into Councilman Braxton Winston's story about Brooks, Councilman Ed Driggs interrupted.

Driggs said Winston was abusing his time and needed to limit his remarks.

"Mr. Winston, this is abuse," Driggs said. "This is not personal privilege. You are abusing the -- this is not a mayor-topic speech you are making right now. If we all talked like this, we would be in here for over an hour. I'd ask you to respect the rest of us and limit your remarks. Thank you. You can make that speech in a lot of places."

Winston, shocked by the exchange, responded by saying he would finish the speech.

"I will make this speech, right here right now," Winston said. "Right here, right now. When was the last time you had a friend murdered? When was the last time you had a friend murdered? When was the last time you had a friend murdered?"

Driggs did not respond to Winston's questions. Winston ended by saying, "Cheers to you."

At that point, Driggs got up and the council allowed Winston to finish his story about Brooks.

Scott Brooks and his twin brother David have run Brooks' Sandwich House since 1973.

Since the shooting, the community has rallied around Brooks and his family by stopping at the beloved sandwich house to drop off flowers or light candles. A GoFundMe page was set up to help the family and less than 24 hours later, it raised more than $20,000.

There will be a vigil on Tuesday night at 6 p.m. to honor Brooks' life. It will be held at Brooks' Sandwich House on North Brevard Street.