
Video of student stuffed into trash can raises leadership concerns at local high school


ROCK HILL, S.C. — A disturbing incident at Rock Hill High School has come to light, where students were filmed stuffing another child into a trash can after a football practice.

Concerned parents have alerted local media to the video, which shows teenagers picking up a young man wearing a backpack and pushing him into a trash can at Rock Hill High School. The incident has raised questions about the school’s leadership and prompted complaints to the district.

Michael Cannon, a parent, expressed his concern about the incident, stating, “I thought it was a bit disturbing. The first thing I noticed was the look on the boy’s face. You can see the fear, like he was literally terrified.”

Cannon also attributed the incident to a lack of leadership, saying, “A lot of what the parents are going through are focused around leadership skills and the ability to be able to lead our children.”

Parents have gone to the district to complain about the perceived lack of leadership by the team’s coach and other allegations. Cannon mentioned that he filed a complaint and conducted a documented interview with the school board.

Rock Hill Schools responded to inquiries about the incident and potential disciplinary actions with a statement saying, “A determination is forthcoming.”

They added, “As this is a personnel matter, we are not at liberty to discuss anything else at this time.”

The incident at Rock Hill High School has sparked concern among parents and raised questions about the school’s leadership. As the district investigates, parents hope for improvements in leadership and accountability.

VIDEO: Rock Hill and Fort Mill school districts discuss superintendent search process

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