
VIDEO: Bear spotted wandering Mecklenburg County


CHARLOTTE — A bear has been wandering around areas of Charlotte and Huntersville.

A viewer sent video to Channel 9 from his backyard in the Wedgewood North neighborhood. The video was recorded around 3 a.m. Saturday.

The viewer said the bear was in his yard for a few hours.

“Some people find that stuff cool. I’m going to steer clear from bears,” said Becca McGhee, who also lives in Wedgewood North.

But McGhee, who often walks her chihuahua mix through the neighborhood, says looks can be deceiving.

“It’s a little scary … especially depending on the nature of your dog,” she said.

The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission said they’ve gotten several calls over the past week from people who’ve spotted the bear. They said the bear is not an adult and has been wandering Mecklenburg County between Huntersville and Charlotte.

Officials want people to remember a few rules:

  • Never feed or approach bears
  • Secure food, garbage and recycling
  • Remove bird feeders when bears are active
  • Never leave pet food outdoors
  • Clean and store grills and smokers
  • Alert neighbors to bear activity.

NC Wildlife said if you see a bear, give it space and don’t approach it. Make sure they have a clear escape route; if they’re somewhere undesirable, get to a safe distance from them and make loud noises to get the bear to move on.

Once the bear leaves, get rid of anything that could attract them like unsecured garbage, bird seed, or pet food, and ask neighbors to do the same.

For information from N.C. Wildlife on spring bear sightings, click here.

(WATCH BELOW: Group of people caught on video pulling bear cubs from tree to take pictures with them)