
TSA checkpoints backed up at Charlotte airport during Spring Break

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Travelers are waiting in extremely long lines at  Transportation Security Administration checkpoints Friday morning at the start of Spring Break.

Airport officials recommended that travelers arrive at least two hours before their flights.

An airport official told reporter Tina Terry that TSA operations decide the checkpoint openings and closings and that they are working to get them to open more lanes.

At one point, a Channel 9 photographer said the lines for checkpoint C extended all the way down the hall to the wall by checkpoint A.

A TSA official released the following statement:

"This week is the beginning of spring break in the Charlotte area. TSA is using all available resources and all available lanes are open. We are aware of the long lines but due to the holiday and spring break travelers the lines for the checkpoint are long. We anticipate all day today lines will be long."

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