
Teens use 988 hotline more than any other age group, data shows

NORTH CAROLINA — In the last year, teens have called or texted 988 at a higher rate than any other age group, needing help with their mental health.

Rebekah Collins spoke with Channel 9′s Deneige Broom about her mental health journey.

“I was hospitalized my senior year of high school for wanting to end my life,” she said.

North Carolina’s 988 dashboard shows 13 to 17-year-olds contacted the hotline at the highest rate of all age groups.

>> In the video at the top of the page, advocates say that’s not entirely a bad thing.

If you need help with your mental health or are thinking of harming yourself, call or text “988″ 24/7.

(WATCH BELOW: 988 suicide prevention lifeline launches in the Carolinas)

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