
Students at York Tech get access to food, professional clothes amid higher prices

ROCK HILL, S.C. — Some college students who are working to better their lives are finding it hard to put food on the table in the process.

York Technical College in Rock Hill started working toward a temporary solution, and it’s had an impact on students.

Channel 9 South Carolina Reporter Tina Terry learned about the new programs, feeding students and helping them reach the finish line.

Lamar Patterson has experienced the impact of higher food prices while he’s been studying at York Technical College. That’s why he’s grateful to be able to shop at “The Wolf’s Den,” a brand new food pantry at the school.

“Yes, I am a student, Yes, I do have a job, but still going to the stores, I have to manage my money better now,” Patterson told Terry. “Because of this food pantry, it takes away a lot of stress of me going to the store and figuring out what I can afford to get.”

York Tech President Stacey Moore says a new survey revealed a majority of students are dealing with food insecurity.

“Imagine trying to study for an exam and you’re hungry,” Moore told Terry. “So the impact on our cognitive and physical abilities when we don’t have adequate nutrition is significant.”

The Wolf’s Den also features a clothing closet that lets students pick out professional clothes for interviews free of charge.

Across campus, school officials have given an old child development center new focus.

“In May we took our child development center and shifted it to student services, mainly a student services facility,” Moore said.

Moore says about 50% of the children in the child development center right now are children of York Tech students.

Students like Patterson are already using the new programs to launch into a brighter future.

“I love the way that I look in them, especially like business professional clothing,” Patterson said. “I love being able to go out and be me.”

Officials say they’re also working on a new program that will provide affordable housing in the York County community to students in need. That plan is still in its infancy.

(WATCH: Customers aren’t only ones upset with York County builder facing charges)

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