
South American nationals connected to local home break-ins, sheriff says


UNION COUNTY, N.C. — Union County Sheriff’s Office investigators stated on Facebook Friday they connected a break-in earlier this week in Weddington to an ongoing investigation involving a large group of South American nationals who are actively targeting high-value homes across the U.S.

Residents have been on edge.

“The ladies in the neighborhood have a text chat that they stay connected with, and so everybody was very much on it, and everybody was on high alert,” said resident Mike Williams.

There have been 10 to 15 similar incidents in the last two years in the Weddington and Marvin areas, the sheriff said.

On Wednesday, three suspects, including Michael Rodriguez, 23, broke into a house in Weddington’s Highgate community while the residents were home, investigators said. The perpetrators fled when they realized people were inside. They were later captured.

Residents are ensuring they keep themselves safe as criminals up the ante.

“We’ve got areas around here that people walk and we’re going to be on high alert watching for people that don’t look like they belong,” Williams said.

“Now, we turn on our alarm system,” said resident Bernd Schewzyk. “Normally, we only turn it on, to be honest with you, whenever we go away for a couple of days a week.”

Rodriguez faces several charges including, first-degree burglary, larceny, and fleeing to elude arrest. He remained in custody Friday under a $40,000 secured bond and an ICE detainer.

The Union County Sheriff’s Office shared the following tips on how to protect yourself and your home:

Share this post and all these tips with your friends, family, and neighbors

Stay Alert: If you see something suspicious, don’t hesitate to call 911. Prompt action can prevent crimes from escalating.

Secure Your Home: Ensure your alarm system is activated every time you leave the house and consider investing in a doorbell camera. Security cameras, both inside and outside, are valuable tools for deterring criminal activity and providing evidence if needed.

• Don’t Share Vacation Plans: Avoid posting on social media when you’re away from home for an extended time, as this can signal an opportunity for burglars.

• Vary Your Routine: Make it less predictable when you come and go from your home to make it more difficult for potential criminals to target your property.

• Keep Your Home Lit: Use timers to keep interior lights on, giving the appearance that someone is home even when you’re not.

• Protect Valuables: Take photos of important items and store them in a safe. Avoid keeping large amounts of cash at home.