
Some names of area priests accused of abuse released


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — We've learned some names of former priests with the Charlotte diocese, who have been accused of abuse.

The Roman Catholic Jesuit Province that is over the east coast released a list of 13 priests, and one served in our area.

H. Cornwell Bradley worked at the Jesuit Community of Saint Theresa in Mooresville in 1988 and 1989.

He worked at Saint Elizabeth of the Hill Country Church in Boone from 1989 to 1993.

There were several allegations against him in the 1970s and 1980s when he worked in the Washington, D.C. area.

He was removed from ministry in 2006.

The Charlotte diocese said Tuesday that this is the first they heard about the allegations.

[9 Investigates: Charlotte family speaks out about son’s abuse by a priest]

Another priest is accused of abuse while working in the Asheville area.

The allegations stem from 1982.

Someone said they were inappropriately touched by Jeffries Burton while he worked in Flat Rock.

The victim came forward in 1994.

At that point, Burton was no longer working in the area.

The Charlotte diocese said at the time of the allegations, the church did not have the standards for reporting that it has now. The Charlotte diocese said it could make a decision this spring about whether to release a list of all its priests who have been credibly accused

They planned to make a decision last month, but the pope ordered a delay until a meeting in February.

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