
Snow continues in mountains as temperatures drop


LENOIR, N.C. — Channel 9′s Dave Faherty was in Blowing Rock Wednesday morning where there were on-and-off snow showers.

The roads were wet, and the temperature had fallen into the mid-20s by noon, which could cause some slick spots.

A few miles north of Lenoir got some of the heaviest snow along Highway 321.

Faherty spotted North Carolina Department of Transportation trucks across Caldwell and Watauga counties. The trucks were prepared to put salt down ahead of even colder temperatures.

Faherty also visited Morganton earlier where there was light snowfall along Interstate 40 but not enough to keep some people inside.

“This feels good,” said resident Barbara Moore. “It’s not bad yet and that’s what I like about it.”

Faherty asked her if she was hoping to see snow.

“Not really but it’s up to God,” she said. “Whatever comes, comes.”

Watauga County Schools were operating on a remote learning day on Wednesday due to the weather.

Outside Blowing Rock Elementary School, personnel were clearing the sidewalks after snow showers fell for much of the morning. The students were on a remote learning day and even after the snow stops there could be more problems ahead.

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“Very cold temperatures,” said Ken Hayes with Watauga County Schools. “Tomorrow is going to be in the teens and tomorrow night single digits. Everything is going to be frozen solid so it’s going to be very slick.”

The winds were expected to pick up Wednesday afternoon in the High Country.

Blue Ridge Energy officials said their crews are ready after a major ice storm that happened last week.

Highs on Thursday in Watauga County will only reach into the teens but with the blustery winds it will feel like -4 degrees.

VIDEO: Wednesday morning’s forecast with Meteorologist Keith Monday