
Sixth victim in South Carolina mass shooting dies, coroner says


YORK COUNTY, S.C. — A sixth victim in the South Carolina mass shooting, a father of three who had been fighting for his life, died Saturday, according to the York County Coroner’s Office.

Officials said Robert Shook, 38, died from his injuries three days after being shot several times while working at a home in Rock Hill on Wednesday.

Shook’s family told Channel 9′s Ken Lemon on Thursday that they were hopeful after he made it through surgery and the first day of recovery. They said he still had more surgeries and was unable to talk to them.

The five other victims include prominent York County doctor, Dr. Robert Lesslie, 70; his wife, two of their grandchildren and another HVAC technician from Gastonia.

Shook, who was an HVAC technician, was working with co-worker James Lewis, 38, at the Lesslies’ home when they were both shot. Officials said Lewis died at the scene and Shook was rushed to a hospital in critical condition, where he died three days later.

Lesslie and his wife, Barbara Lesslie, 69, were pronounced dead at the scene along with grandchildren Adah Lesslie, 9, and Noah Lesslie, 5.

Many people were praying for Shook to pull through. A sign at GSM Services, where Shook worked, says “Prayers Please,” and people have dropped off flowers for both Shook and Lewis.

“There is a lot of people holding each other and helping each other and praying with each other and doing the right thing,” said Joel Long, CEO of GSM Services.

After Shook was shot, he was able to call his boss for help, and his boss called 911. He was then flown to a hospital in Charlotte, where his family said he underwent several surgeries.

“He is Superman. Shook Strong,” his cousin Heather Thompson said Thursday.

Last week, Thompson told Channel 9 that they would not let this tragedy and this violence change them.

“We will not let hate win over love. We will not be defeated by the senseless violence,” she said.

The company started a GoFundMe page that has already raised more than $111,000, with a $200,000 goal. The money goes directly into the accounts of the families of the two men, both fathers of three children and the breadwinners of their homes.

Their families are trying to get beyond what happened.

“We will not let hate win over love. We will not be defeated by the senseless violence,” Thompson said.

There was a prayer vigil for the victims on Sunday night in Rock Hill.

Deputies said former NFL pro Phillip Adams, 32, shot all six people before he died by suicide.