
Rezoning request filed for beach resort-style project with hotel, homes in Huntersville

Bi-Part Development, which is led by Jake Palillo, announced plans to develop Lagoona Bay Beach Club at a large site off Sam Furr Road in Huntersville. The developer has filed a rezoning request for the project, town documents show. Rezoning request filed for beach resort-style project with hotel, homes in Huntersville (Bi-Part Development, LLC)

HUNTERSVILLE, N.C. — The developer plotting a beach resort-style project in Huntersville has formally announced plans after beginning the rezoning process.

Bi-Part Development, which is led by Jake Palillo, announced plans to develop Lagoona Bay Beach Club on a large site off Sam Furr Road in Huntersville. Town documents show the developer has applied to rezone a 263-acre site there to allow for a beach resort with a range of residential and commercial uses.

Palillo disclosed his vision for the project last year. A 10-acre lagoon at the center of the project will be surrounded by beaches and developed using technology from Crystal Lagoons, which allows for the creation of a tropical-style lagoon “anywhere in the world,” according to its website.

Palillo is working with son Jake Palillo Jr. and son-in-law Brock Hullinger on the project. Housing Studio and Urban Design Partners are part of the project team for Lagoona Bay Beach Club.

Town documents state that the rezoning request is tentatively scheduled for its first public hearing on June 5. Bi-Part Development announced that it is planning for an early 2024 construction start on Lagoona Bay Beach Club, assuming the rezoning is approved.

Read more here.

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