
Records request reveals outbreak at Statesville assisted-living facility

STATESVILLE, N.C. — Channel 9 has been constantly fighting for transparency regarding where COVID-19 outbreaks are happening in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

Iredell County denied WSOC’s request Saturday for names of specific locations citing privacy reasons.

[Health officials deflecting criticism for outbreak at Rowan County nursing home]

We have heard from many people worried about their family and friends who live and work in those facilities, so we filed a records request with Iredell County.

Some records were released and indicated an outbreak at Autumn Care of Statesville. The facility is owned by Saber Healthcare Group.

In an email from April 17, Iredell County Health Director Jane Hinson said, “We just found out about a second positive at Autumn Care of Statesville which makes this an official outbreak."

Have questions about the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the Carolinas? We have an entire section dedicated to coverage of the outbreak -- CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

They started working to test all residents and staff.

It appears just before that outbreak the Health Department talked to the facility about sanitation issues inside.

An email from a health official to the facility dated April 16 said, “I haven’t heard back from you on the corrective actions to address the sanitation deficiencies that were brought to your attention during a visit made by the health department on Monday, 4/13. We would like to verify these corrections.”

We pushed to find out what those sanitation issues were. The Health Department said the people who could answer those questions were out Friday.

Statement from Autumn Care Statesville:

“The facility established a personalized care plan for the one resident who tested positive. Currently, no employees are positive. We have worked closely with the Department of Health and continue to follow all necessary reporting guidelines. Due to HIPPA regulations, we cannot comment on any personal health information.”

Statement from Iredell County Health Department:

“The Iredell County Health Department has been sharing pertinent COVID-19 guidance documents from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services with all long term care facilities. These facilities are also invited to participate in the virtual Iredell County Healthcare Preparedness Committee meetings that are organized and facilitated by the health department. The focus of these meetings over the last several weeks has been COVID-19 preparedness and response. Health department staff are available to answer facility questions and have assisted several facilities regarding the requisition process for personal protective equipment from the State Emergency Operations Center. There has been only one outbreak reported in a long term care facility in Iredell County. Testing of all residents confirmed only one positive case of COVID-19 in the facility. Our staff has worked closely with Autumn Care. Facility leadership has been cooperative. To my knowledge, they consistently follow all CDC recommendations that include strict visitor restrictions and infection control precautions.” An “outbreak” is defined by NCDHHS as having two or more cases in the resident or employee population at a congregate living facility."

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The state defines an outbreak as two or more cases in a facility.

The county learned of the second case on Friday.

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