Q&A: The status of new weekly unemployment benefits

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CHARLOTTE — Many people continue to wonder if they’ll start getting extra money for unemployment weekly. Action 9′s Jason Stoogenke is answering questions he has been receiving from viewers recently.

[That extra $400 in unemployment each week is looking more like $300 now]

Q: Is the weekly unemployment benefit $300 or $400?

President Donald Trump said $400. The administration later said the federal government will give $300 and it’s up to individual states whether to pitch in another $100. The Carolinas are not, so it’s $300 in North and South Carolina.

Q: When will the benefits start?

The Carolinas do not have a start date yet.

North Carolina said it’s “working to reprogram its system as quickly as possible.” It plans to have it up and running “sometime this week.” South Carolina said it’s still waiting on federal approval to take part in the program. Once it starts, you should get money retroactively back to Aug. 1.

Q: How long will it last?

You’re guaranteed three weeks of payments. Even if it goes longer, it’s scheduled to go until the end of December or until the money runs out, whichever comes first.

Q: Who is eligible?

You’re eligible for the extra $300 if you already get at least $100 in unemployment each week and if you lost hours or your entire job because of the pandemic.

Q: How do I apply?

You don’t have to apply for the extra money because it’s automatic.

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