
The Political Beat Candidate Guide: Congress District 10

The Political Beat

CHARLOTTE — General elections in North Carolina are set for Nov. 5, and many statewide offices have candidates in the running from the Democratic and Republican parties.

District 10 includes Catawba, Iredell and Lincoln Counties. Republican Pat Harrigan is facing Democrat Ralph Scott, Libertarian Steven Feldman and Todd Helm of the Constitution Party.

The Political Beat asked questions of each candidate in the races.

Below are the unedited responses from the candidates.

Pat Harrigan

Pat Harrigan

What is your occupation? Small Business Owner / Firearms Manufacturer.

Why are you running? One night, while praying over our daughters as they slept, my wife and I were overcome with a genuine concern for their future. We stand at a crucial juncture in our history where our decisions today will determine whether we become the first generation to leave fewer opportunities for the next generations of Americans. As a father, this concern for the future, along with a dedication to conservative principles, compelled me to step forward and represent the people of our district. I firmly believe that politicians only focus on the next election, but true leaders, the kind we desperately need, are concerned about the next generations. My commitment to my family and my passion for the well-being of this country have deep roots, nurtured since my youth and strengthened during my time at West Point, reinforced on the battlefields in Afghanistan as a Green Beret. I bring Christian values and a genuine desire to protect our children’s future. My experience as a business owner equips me with a pragmatic approach to problem-solving, unencumbered by political bureaucracy. Unlike the others, my candidacy is not just about the election but about building a future where our values endure and open up opportunities for the next generation of Americans.

What is the most important issue and how do you plan to address it? The current administration’s weak leadership has left every aspect of American society vulnerable. The Biden-Harris administration’s excessive government spending and multi-trillion-dollar stimulus packages have significantly increased the national debt, leading to inflationary pressures. Bidenomics has done nothing but burden small businesses and working families with rising costs, making it harder for Americans to afford even basic necessities. In Congress, we must champion fiscal policy that unleashes the full force of our economy, empowering businesses and individuals alike to thrive while reducing our families’ financial burdens. Additionally, we must immediately work to secure our borders, complete President Trump’s Wall, and deport those who are in this country illegally. Border security is national security, and we do not have a secure nation without a secure border.

What should the federal government’s role be in legislating abortion? As a Christian constitutional conservative, I believe the federal government’s role in abortion should be limited because the Constitution does not explicitly grant it authority over this deeply personal issue. Instead, decisions about abortion should reside with individual states, allowing them to create laws that reflect the moral and ethical values of their communities.

What role should the United States have in the conflict between Israel and Palestine? The United States must unequivocally support Israel’s rights as a sovereign nation, especially in light of the brutal attacks it suffered on October 7th, which tragically underscored the threats to its security and existence. This support includes not only continuing robust defense cooperation, such as joint missile defense programs, which are critical for safeguarding Israeli citizens and enhancing U.S. military capabilities, but also a steadfast commitment to ensuring Israel maintains its qualitative military edge. It is imperative that the U.S. government and Congress work collaboratively to uphold these obligations, as they are central to America’s foreign policy and strategic interests in the region. While it is important to engage in diplomatic efforts aimed at fostering peace, these should never come at the expense of recognizing Israel’s right to defend itself against aggression. The U.S. must stand firmly with Israel in its right to take necessary actions to protect its sovereignty and citizens, ensuring that any efforts for peace are grounded in a firm acknowledgment of Israel’s security needs and its right to exist free from threats.

What sets you apart from your opponent? What sets me apart from my opponents is my firsthand experience facing our nation’s adversaries head-on. From West Point to the battlefields of Afghanistan, and now as a business leader in firearms manufacturing, I will not waiver in my oath to support and defend the Constitution. I am not just a candidate; I am a tireless warrior ready to bring strategic leadership to Congress. With passion, conviction, and a genuine dedication to preserving American conservative principles, I will ensure the success of our nation and uphold my oath to this country. Together, we can build a future grounded in faith, values, and unwavering commitment to our constitutional heritage.

Todd Helm

What is your occupation? I direct a nonprofit organization that helps farmers in developing nations.

Why are you running? America is not yet the democracy that I want it to be. I value the freedom that I have and the opportunity to participate in government. I want to model a different way of doing politics. I want to run a positive campaign and articulate common sense policies that I support. I want to broaden the offer and give others a chance to vote their conscience without compromising their values.

What is the most important issue and how do you plan to address it? Debt is the biggest issue facing the USA today. I address this issue by talking about it and by challenging young voters to participate in the conversation. The presidential candidates are not talking about the problem of national debt. For 40 years, republicans and democrats have been under funding and over spending the government. The way to address the debt crisis is to stop adding to it. It is the job of Congress to write and to pass a Balanced Budget. A balanced budget makes every American stronger. We can balance the budget! There is enough money, and we must stop printing money. We must talk to each other and make difficult decisions about how we will use the money that we do have. The common sense way forward is to balance the budget.

What should the federal government’s role be in legislating abortion? Not one single taxpayer dollar should be used to promote or perform or protect abortion. No federal government contractor or insurance company should receive taxpayer dollars to promote, perform, or protect abortion. The abortion issue divides Americans. We must stop using our scarce government revenue to carry out legislative and policy objectives that Americans are divided over. Abortion should not be used as a means of birth control. The conversation about abortion is a conversation about human sexuality and sexuality must be practiced within the framework of marriage. Finish high school, get a job, get married, then have children. Every abortion kills a child. Abortion is a medical procedure, and it should only be considered when a husband and wife must choose between grieving the death of the mother or grieving the death of the unborn child.

What role should the United States have in the conflict between Israel and Palestine? Israel is our ally. The United States regularly and habitually provides military aid to Israel. Israel has the right to defend itself against any government or non-government organizations that want to destroy Israel.

What sets you apart from your opponents? I am a farmer. For 20 years, I have been fighting a war on terrorism, and I have never carried a gun. I have been working in an Islamic Republic and that has given me valuable experience working together with people who are deeply different. I believe a new coalition of Americans is coming together to lead our nation out of a season of dysfunction. We can make Congress work again. We can balance the budget. We can fix immigration. But, we have to work together. I will work with boldness and with perseverance. When a close friend was assassinated in 2009, my family kept working. It was the right thing for us to do. We are to go forward with compassion. I have learned what compassion does and what compassion leads us to say to neighbors. I will pray daily over the work that must be done in Congress. Prayer changes things. Join me in praying that God will heal our land. Vote. And on November 6th, go forward with me to accept the results of the election and carry on serving our families and our neighbors.

Steven Feldman

What is your occupation? Physician-scientist.

Why are you running? To promote civility and leave our children a fiscally secure country and more peaceful world.

What is the most important issue and how do you plan to address it? The Federal debt is like a cancer, spreading rapidly under both recent Democrat and Republican administrations. By focusing on keeping our borders secure instead of policing the world, we can reduce military spending and make our country safer. We can reduce healthcare costs by implementing market-based solutions and introducing transparency, so that people have incentives to use healthcare resources wisely. Social Security was created to be a safety net for those who need it. Now that we are living longer, healthier lives, we can ensure its solvency by increasing the age of eligibility for healthy adults who want to continue working and by reducing payments to wealthy individuals who, like me, do not need a safety net. We desperately need to make serious, responsible change; platitudes about cutting waste will not cure our Nation’s financial ills.

What should the federal government’s role be in legislating abortion? The government should, without question, respect the autonomy of women over their own bodies. The government also cannot condone murder, and many people consider abortion the killing of a baby before it is born. Good people can hold passionate yet divergent views about this issue. We need to engage in a civil discourse that respects both perspectives and seeks compromise. I encourage people on both sides of this issue to peacefully promote their views in an effort to convince others, rather than use government force to impose their views on their neighbors. A reasonable, balanced policy should include the Federal government not paying for abortions.

What role should the United States have in the conflict between Israel and Palestine? I am Jewish. Members of my family were killed in the Holocaust. I believe, passionately, that we must stand against injustice. I have Israeli friends and relatives; I have also visited with and gotten to know Palestinian families. The United States should stand for peace, justice, and security for Israeli and Palestinian families in equal measure, completely equal measure. We should stop supporting Israel’s soul crushing violence toward Palestinian refugee families. Violence sows more hatred and reaps more violence. Everyone wants peace for their children and for others. In my book, Bent Toward Justice, I have written about a more peaceful path to a lasting peace.

What sets you apart from your opponents? I don’t consider the other candidates opponents. I’m sure all four candidates for US House in NC’s 10th are good, passionate Americans who want to leave our children a strong, secure country. I believe we can do that by giving Americans more freedom and responsibility and by being more friendly and civil here at home and abroad. To know if that sets me apart from the other candidates, I hope voters will look at the policies articulated at https://www.stevefeldmanforcongress.com/my-positions and compare them to those of the other candidates.

Ralph Scott

Ralph Scott did not respond to the candidate questionnaire. We will update the page with their responses if we receive them.

(WATCH BELOW: Wake County resident challenges NC’s ballot selfie ban)