The Political Beat Candidate Guide: Avery County primary elections

AVERY COUNTY, N.C. — North Carolina primary elections are set for March 5, and there are candidates in the running to represent Avery County in Washington D.C.

We asked each candidate a series of questions ahead of the election. Their unedited responses are below:

Congressional District 11

Christian Reagan

What is your occupation? Mortgage Broker

Why are you running? To provide the needed help to reestablish fiscal sanity to Washington, DC and secure the US Dollar as the World currency.

What is the most important issue in your district and how do you plan to address it?

  • Fiscal insanity in Washington, DC has caused unbelievable inflation and higher interests rates for the citizens within WNC.
  • Out of control illegal immigration within all WNC communities
  • The lack of support of law enforcement officers within our State, Counties and Municipalities within WNC

What role, if any, should the United States have in the Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Hamas conflicts? Ukraine – The United States needs to remove itself from this conflict. The investment there is an absolute waste of money. It is well documented that a substantial amount of the funds given to Ukraine have become a slush fund for the global elites.

Israel – We need to support Israel in their efforts to eliminate the evilness that we all witnessed on October 7, 2023

How should Congress address the issue of immigration at the U.S. border?

We need to use the military to secure the border while the border wall is being constructed and to remove all illegals form this Country. Law & order has to prevail on this issue!

What sets you apart from your opponent? The current Congressman refuses to use the power of the purse to gain control of the reckless spending in Washington, DC and secure the border. On countless occasions he has aligned himself with the Democratic Party on votes that matter. He has a 70% conservative voting record according to Heritage Action. If elected, I will use the power of the purse to demand change even if the pursuit of that goal includes a government shutdown.

Did not respond:

Chuck Edwards

See the statewide election guide at this link

See more information on voting locations in Avery County by clicking here.

(WATCH: ‘Snouts and eyes’: Mama bear and cubs break into minivan in Avery County)

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