
Police search for 2 dogs they say went after horse

MINT HILL, N.C. — Mint Hill police are searching for the two dogs they say neighbors saw go after a horse, just before she died Wednesday. That same horse and her caretaker narrowly survived a similar situation two years ago.

Neighbors saw two different dogs come into his yard and go after the horse until neighbors could chase the dogs away.

Bill Williamson says the horse was almost 34 years old, three days younger than one of his sons. He said the horse, Joker, actually belonged to a friend but was part of his family.

"She was born on this property, never been anywhere other than this pasture," said Williamson.

Theirs was a bond that only a few share after Joker was attacked by two pit bulls two years ago. Days later when they came back, Williamson had a heart attack trying to save her.

Mint Hill police officers saved his life and Joker survived as well.

The dogs involved then were put down. But Wednesday, Williamson says, it happened again. Neighbors saw two different dogs come into his yard.

"It's the same scenario all over again," he said.

But this time, he says, Joker didn't have any fight left.

"They just ran her to death today," said Williamson. "I think she just had a heart attack and died."

Williamson says he is upset this has happened again. He says the horse had been attacked four times. Now he is concerned about other people's pets or children. He says he wants people to be responsible and take care of their pets. He would even like to see Mint Hill take action to strengthen the rules.

"This was her home and she should be safe in there," said Williamson.

Mint Hill police say they are still looking for those dogs.

They aren't saying if they know who the dogs belong to. Police do say that witnesses tell them one dog is a white and tan pit bull, the other is orange and brown. If you've seen them, they want you to call police.