
Parents of Madalina Cojocari not telling investigators everything, Cornelius police say


CORNELIUS, N.C. — The Cornelius Police Department said the parents of a missing 11-year-old girl have not been telling them everything they know about her whereabouts, investigators said Tuesday.


Investigators have pursued 250 leads, interviewed hundreds of people, knocked on 245 doors and reviewed hours of video trying to find clues on where Madalina Cojocari could be.

The girl was reported missing on Dec. 15.

Madalina’s mother, Diana Cojocari, and stepfather, Christopher Palmiter, told police they last saw her at their Cornelius home on Nov. 23.

Madalina was last seen on Nov. 21 on surveillance video getting off her school bus.

On Dec. 21, investigators executed a search warrant at the family’s home. It is unclear why police returned to the house.

“This is a serious case of a child whose parents are clearly not telling us everything they know,” said Capt. Jennifer Thompson, with the Cornelius Police Department.

Madalina’s mother and stepfather have been charged with failing to report the disappearance of a child to law enforcement. They will face a judge on Wednesday for a bond hearing.

The FBI has assisted local law enforcement and the community in an extensive search.

VIDEO: Find Madalina: New photos released as search continues for missing Cornelius 11-year-old

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