
Officer fatally shot in a North Carolina supermarket, suspect in custody, police say


GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) — A police officer responding to a report of a man with a gun inside a North Carolina supermarket was fatally shot Monday and authorities said a suspect was later taken into custody.

Police announced the officer’s death at an afternoon news conference.

They said they officer was responding to a call about an armed person when he was shot before midday at a Food Lion store in Greensboro.

Authorities said the circumstances of the shooting are still under investigation and did not immediately release further details.

The store will remain closed while police continue their investigation, a Food Lion spokesperson said. The company plans to provide resources to its affected workers.

The officer was identified as Michael T. Horan; he was hired by the GPD in September 2017.

A fundraiser has been set up to help Horan’s family. You can donate at this link.

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