
North Carolina jobless rate rises for 4th straight month

Hiring hilarity Stock photo of a "We're hiring" sign. Not everyone in Pasadena, Texas, approves of Walter Parsons’ new hiring strategy, but his banner advertising open positions certainly turned plenty of heads. (Gwengoat/Getty Images/iStockphoto)
(Gwengoat/Getty Images/iStockphoto)

RALEIGH, N.C — North Carolina’s unemployment rate rose slightly for the fourth consecutive month in November, the state Commerce Department announced on Friday.

The seasonally adjusted rate of 3.9% compares to October’s rate of 3.8%. The rate began increasing after it bottomed out at 3.4% for four consecutive months ending in July, according to agency figures. The U.S. rate remained at 3.7% in November.

The state Commerce Department said overall employment in the state fell by almost 8,400 since October to over 4.925 million people, while the number of unemployed grew by over 6,400 to about 200,500. The total of the unemployed remains 10,100 below the level in November 2021.

Through another counting format based on monthly worksite surveys, the agency reported seasonally adjusted total nonfarm employment actually grew by 5,300 to almost 4.84 million. These surveys found the leisure and hospitality services industry and the financial activities sectors showing the largest numerical increase in employment, with the trade, transportation and utilities sector showing the largest decline.

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