
‘NoDa-Hood’ Market gave residents a head start on holiday shopping

CHARLOTTE — Nearly 100 local businesses set up shop at the holiday market in NoDa on Saturday, giving shoppers the perfect opportunity to mark up the holiday gift list.

Hosted at Divine Barrel Brewing on North Davidson Street, the Holiday NoDa-Hood Market featured small businesses, music and food trucks.

To Jake Bock, the program director, NoDa is an ideal location for local vendor fairs like this one.

“NoDa is the neighborhood about arts and small business, and we just want to support in any way we can,” Bock said.

Nov. 26 mark “Small Business Saturday,” so make sure to check Your704 Weekender on Friday to see where you can finish up your holiday shopping while supporting the small business community in Charlotte.

(WATCH: Community rallies to donate thousands of Thanksgiving meal boxes to underserved Charlotteans)

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