
No bond for kidnapping suspect who allegedly tried to bribe her way out of jail


CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, S.C. — A woman charged with impersonating an officer to pull off a kidnapping is now accused of trying to bribe her way out of jail.

The solicitor said Amy Perez offered a deputy more than $1,000 in a recent attempt to get out of jail.

On Tuesday, both the solicitor and Rosa Avalos, the victim of the kidnapping, told a judge they’re concerned about what Perez is capable of.

Avalos spoke in Spanish to the judge.

“It’s not easy and it’s not nice to see your kid crying every night saying that there’s someone out to kill them,” she said.


Chesterfield County deputies said Perez was the mastermind in the scheme and was motivated by jealousy. They said she and three other suspects pretended to be police, forced their way into Avalos’ Pageland home, and pushed her and her 8-year-old son into a truck.

“Ms. Perez did cut the victim multiple times in the right arm. She was also stabbed in lower right rib area. This penetrated into her liver and made her have to stay in the hospital three days,” a Chesterfield County deputy said.

Detectives said Perez took Avalos and her son to an abandoned house and told her estranged husband, Alfredo Perez, that she would let them go if he agreed to come back home.

Eventually, detectives found and rescued the mother and child.

Warrants were issued for Amy’s arrest and Union County, North Carolina deputies arrested her on some of the charges. But she made bond and, even though another warrant was issued for her arrest, the solicitor said she fled to Mississippi.

On Tuesday, Avalos told the judge that while Perez was on the run, she continued to threaten her family.

“She threatened most of my family and friends with killing them if they did not tell them where I was,” she said through tears. “She said that she was going to kill us and everybody in their households.”

The defense said Perez had business in Mississippi and was not trying to evade police. She asked for a reasonable bond and even an ankle monitor.

But in the end, the judge denied bond for Perez. She can request it again in six months.

(WATCH BELOW: Group accused of kidnapping woman and her son out of ‘jealousy,’ sheriff says)