
New home revaluations available in Meck County


CHARLOTTE — Mecklenburg County home revaluations are now available online.

Since the last revaluation in 2019, residential home values are up 59% in Mecklenburg County, so that’s a good indicator of what you can expect to see.

You can access the value of your property by visiting the county’s portal. Notices went live at 6 a.m. on Friday. Revaluation notices will be sent through the mail starting Saturday.

Channel 9′s Madison Carter spoke with the county assessor about their process and what homeowners can do to fight the figures.

Homeowners in every corner of Mecklenburg County can expect to see their home values increase.

“An increase in value is not necessarily a bad thing, but you want to make sure it’s accurate,” said Allan Reich, a real estate appraiser.

Sticker Shock

For people like Shamaiye Haynes in Enderly Park, the new values are giving a sense of shock. Overnight, the value of her property jumped 122%, and it’s the same story for many of her neighbors.

“People have not gotten good services for the taxes they’ve already paid, and so now they are paying excess taxes just because the guy next door wants to build a McMansion,” Haynes told Channel 9′s Joe Bruno.

The increases are widespread across Charlotte, with some homes in the NoDa and South End areas jumping more than 90%. The average county home value rose by about 59%.

But how much you’ll actually pay in taxes ultimately depends on the tax rate set by Mecklenburg County and the county’s local towns and cities.

“I am nervous,” said Mecklenburg County Commissioner Pat Cotham, while adding, “I am hopeful. I do not want to increase taxes.”

Cotham is pushing for a revenue-neutral rate to limit the burden on property owners.

Haynes says it’s not just the owners who are going to be affected.

“If the property owner has to pay more taxes, the renter is going to suffer, too, in a place where we are already strapped too tight,” Haynes said.

The county is expecting appeals, but says most disputes can be resolved without the help of an attorney or appraiser. You can also call for an informal review to review the property and see if it was labeled incorrectly.

(WATCH BELOW: Meck County homeowners brace for 2023 home revaluations)