New drug delaying onset of Type 1 diabetes

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DAVIDSON, N.C. — A new drug is promising to delay the onset of Type 1 diabetes and a Davidson teenager was the first person in North Carolina to complete the treatment.

However, Channel 9′s Madison Carter found the drug only came months too late to keep his sister free of the disease.

At the start of the pandemic, the Troutman’s teenage daughter, Jenna, was with diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease where the pancreas stops producing insulin.

“We were glad that there was a diagnosis because we were just watching our little girl kind of wither,” father Michael Troutman’s said.

It has been hard for Jenna to get used to her new style of life, she says.

“At school, sometimes it’s like, difficult in like sometimes a little bit embarrassing when my phone goes off, things like that,” Jenna said.

The family found out their son, William, has multiple markers for Type 1 diabetes.

“I remember being like, whoa, when is my life going to change to the same as Jenna’s?” he said.

The newly approved drug called Tzield delays the onset of Type 1 after decades of research. That drug is buying the Troutman’s son extra time. He became the first person in North Carolina to complete treatment.

Fundraisers like JRDF’s “One Walk” happen all over the country and are major contributions toward research funding.

>> In the video at the top of the page, Carter learns about the Troutman’s journey with Type 1 diabetes.

>> Carter will be hosting this weekend’s walk at the Whitewater Center. You can sign up here.

(WATCH BELOW: Youth from the Carolinas lobby Congress for research funding for Type 1 diabetes)

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