
More than 2,000 gallons of wastewater reached Stony Creek

CHARLOTTE — Charlotte Water crews responded to a wastewater overflow in north Charlotte.

The incident occurred on the 5600 block of Waverly Lynn Lane.

Crews said an estimated 2,500 gallons of wastewater reached Stony Creek in the Yadkin Pee Dee River Watershed.

A blockage of grease and wipes caused the overflow, according to Charlotte Water.

“A majority of wastewater overflows can be prevented with your help,” said Cam Coley, spokesperson at Charlotte Water. “Anything put in plumbing or a manhole can cause wastewater overflows, spilling raw sewage into your street, your creek or even inside your own home. Even products labeled as ‘flushable’ do not breakdown in the sewer system and can contribute to clogging.”

How You Can Help:

  • Toss in the trash: paper towels, wipes, hair, cotton swabs, feminine products, dental floss, coffee grounds, and excess food.
  • Toss in the toilet: only toilet paper.
  • Drain in the sink: soap suds, small amounts of foods from plate, and liquids.
  • Take to a full-service recycling center: used and expired oils and grease.

VIDEO: Large rock falls on wastewater pipe, causes overflow in south Charlotte