
Man's Belmont Air BnB rental home vandalized; believes it was racially motivated


BELMONT, N.C. — Dierre Perry has rented out a Belmont home on Air BnB and other websites for the past 10 years.

While he was out of town on business, the home was vandalized.

[IMAGES: Vandalism at Belmont Air BnB rental]

Perry believes the hateful words that were marked on his house Saturday night are from a disgruntled renter.

"I feel that I'm being targeted by this individual,” Perry said.

Perry explained to Channel 9 that it started when a man from Charlotte rented his home for a few days last month.

Perry said the man stayed in the home after he was supposed to check out.

Perry got Air BnB involved, which also allegedly told the man to leave.  After he left, the cleaning crew realized it looked like the blinds inside had been set on fire.

"I think he purposely damaged the home being vindictive,” Perry said.

Perry said Air BnB contacted the renter last week and asked him to pay for damages.

On Saturday night, black spray paint appeared all over the home. Perry believes it was the renter because he lives in the area.

“If he was from Nebraska and had a confrontation with me, he wouldn't have been able to come back so easily to do anything,” Perry said.

Perry said he texted the renter Sunday morning and the man used racist slurs, some of which were spray-painted on the home.

"That to me resonates that this might be motivated by racism or hate, and we don't need that in 2018,” Perry said.

Perry said he has to get the home pressure washed and possibly file an insurance claim, and he will lose money while he's not able to rent the home out.

He’s hoping the investigation by Belmont police will result in criminal charges.