Man pays it forward to service members at North Carolina Chick-fil-A

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DURHAM, N.C. — A man at a Durham Chick-fil-A paid it forward by picking up the bill for a group of service members.

Brothers Jonathan and Stephen Full approached the soldiers while they were in line to order food.

Jonathan Full paid for about a dozen bills.

"It didn't really hit me that there were more,” Jonathan Full said. “I looked outside. Man, is there a bus dropped off somewhere? Did we just hit the mother lode here?"

Jonathan Full said he didn't care if 200 soldiers walked in. He was going to take care of every single one.

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The Fulls' stepbrother died by suicide the week prior. He was a former U.S. Marine who battled PTSD.

Since then, Jonathan Full said it's been on his mind to buy a service member’s meal.

Stephen Full said his brother’s gesture is inspiring.

"By seeing his eyes welp up and, of course, mine doing the same thing -- and being able to use it for a teachable moment for kids, it's in remembrance of our brother."