CHARLOTTE — A man accused of killing a woman at a west Charlotte motel earlier this month has a connection to a another murder that happened 22 years ago, according to records.
Stevie Walker, 53, shot and killed 28-year-old Sumer Massey recently on March 1 at a motel on Lucky Penny Street near Freedom Drive and Interstate 85, according to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department.
[ Man arrested for murder of 28-year-old in west Charlotte ]
Walker was also one of six suspects in a brutal killing in 2003, which happened on an Interstate 277 ramp.
A man, who was duct-taped and bound, escaped from a car on I-277 and was killed execution-style, according to reports.
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department had to take out ads on the radio in Mexico to identify Joel Solis Recio, according to reports.
Coverage at the time said Solis Recio’s final moments were spent bound, gagged, and lying on an exit ramp before a man with a bandana shot him with a sawed-off shotgun.
CMPD arrested six people for the murder, including Walker.
He served 14 years on kidnapping and robbery charges. The murder charge was dropped because someone else pulled the trigger.
More than 20 years later, CMPD said Walker pulled the trigger at the motel on Penny Street, killing Masey, so hee was charged with murder again.
Community activist Tina Quizon said Monday people don’t feel safe and another family is grieving because of the recent homicide case.
“Now, there’s nothing but sadness and fear, and not only for her family but also all of those who were there and for the community,” said Quizon, a community activist.
The affidavit says Walker and Masey previously had a relationship and that video footage captured him pistol-whipping her before shooting and killing her.
Walker faced a judge on Monday and remains in jail under no bond.
VIDEO: Police investigating fatal pedestrian crash in west Charlotte, CMPD says
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