
Judge denies bond for man accused of killing Chesterfield County mother


PAGELAND, S.C. — The man charged in the case of a missing Chesterfield County mom faced a judge Monday proclaiming his innocence.

In March, police charged Emanuel Bedford with the murder and kidnapping of Deidre Reid. The Pageland woman vanished seven months ago when investigators said she took Bedford, the father of her youngest child, to a Charlotte bus station.

She never returned home.

Prosecutors said at a February hearing that Bedford never got on a bus in Charlotte. They said that on the afternoon Reid disappeared, Bedford was spotted on surveillance video at a York County gas station, driving Reid’s car. She was not seen in that video.

Then, two days later, investigators found her partially submerged car with blood inside. Authorities said they were still processing the DNA evidence from the blood.

“He took someone that was really loved,” said Monica Reid, Deidre Reid’s older sister. “You didn’t just take someone that was just out here. You took a mother, a daughter, a sister a friend.”

Family members want Bedford to confess to the murder.

“We’re just hoping that Emanuel will give us Deidre’s whereabouts, so the family can give Deidre a proper burial,” her brother, James Reid, said.

Bedford said in court that he is not guilty and wanted to be released on bond.

Bedford’s attorney, Joshua Koger Jr., said Monday that his client’s life is in danger behind bars.

However, prosecutors said Bedford was a flight risk.


The judge denied Bedford’s bond, because of being a flight risk.

Prosecutors said they are still waiting for DNA evidence from inside of Reid’s car to return from the SBI lab.

(WATCH BELOW: Family searches for answers in mysterious disappearance of Pageland woman)

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