
Longtime NC auditor abandons reelection bid after hit-and-run plea


RALEIGH, N.C. — A longtime state lawmaker says she will not seek reelection.

Democratic state auditor Beth Wood announced Wednesday she will not seek a fifth term.

The news comes months after Wood pleaded guilty to a hit-and-run. Police said she ditched her state-owned car after wrecking it following a Christmas party last year.


First elected as North Carolina State Auditor in 2008, Wood was reelected for her fourth term in 2020. In her role as state auditor, Wood looks at all areas of state government and is a member of the Council of State.

Wood initially said she planed to run for reelection in 2024, but Wednesday’s statement renders that no longer true.

(WATCH BELOW: Raleigh Police Department: NC State Auditor charged in December hit-and-run)