
Local nonprofit unveils new name, expands food programs


CHARLOTTE — Loaves and Fishes Friendship Trays unveiled the new name of their organization Thursday morning: Nourish Up.

Leaders made the announcement at the nonprofit’s new 90,000-square-foot warehouse, the Hunger Hub of Hope.

“I’m thrilled to report ... we are now Nourish Up!” CEO Tina Postel said.

The Hunger Hub of Hope will have ten times the cold storage for fresh foods compared to its old building in south Charlotte.

It will also feature a teaching kitchen, a food pantry, and a dedicated space for its home delivery program.

The new name is accompanied by a new website, which provides information about food programs, as well as how to get help.

>> Channel 9′s Gina Esposito explains why the timing of all this is critical to helping those in need, in the video at the top of the page.

VIDEO: Nonprofit meets need as food insecurity rises in west Charlotte food desert