
Local hemp farm owner ups security after increase in visitors


BUNCOMBE COUNTY, N.C. — A North Carolina garden is becoming one of the most popular in the state.

Not for the sights, but for the variety of drug that's growing there.

Visitors have flocked to a Hemp Garden in Buncombe County. It is the first place in the state that is growing industrial hemp.

Owner Franny Tacy said people have come to her garden from around the country wanting to know about her crop.

But she said it has gotten so out of hand she is installing high-tech security.

"Motion lights, and we've got locks, coded locks, and there's a pretty  cool drone security system that's motion activated," Tacy said.

Tacy said people have even snuck onto her property after hours.

She is making her garden appointment only until a hemp festival next month.

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