Local authorities work to keep children safe from sex offenders on Halloween

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Local law enforcement agencies are working to keep children safe on Halloween by keeping a close eye on sex offenders.

[RELATED: Georgia police place 'no trick-or-treat' signs in yards of sex offenders' houses]

Gaston County deputes said sex offenders serving active probation terms are required to report to the courthouse from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Halloween.

While there, officials will go over new laws they need to be aware of and have offenders meet with probation officers.

[RELATED: Sex offender charged after allegedly enticing children to visit Gastonia home]

In South Carolina, many registered sex offenders are required to stay inside their homes on Halloween night. If they are on probation or parole, they have a curfew from 5:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. and are not allowed to hand out candy.

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