
Laid off Charlotte dad with MBA passes out resumes at Ballantyne intersection


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A Charlotte man put himself on display in front of hundreds of commuters at a busy Ballantyne intersection Wednesday.

Michael Bridge’s message was simple: he needs a job.

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“I got laid off in June. Unfortunately this is my second time being laid off, so I’ve been in this situation before,” Bridges said.

He held a sign that reads, laid off, need a job, and take a resume.

Bridges has already applied for dozens of jobs, even interviewed, and still nothing.

Now, he’s feeling a different kind of heat in his main role as a husband and father.

“I’m trying not to lose my house to foreclosure. I just want my kids to know that I want a better future for them,” Bridges said.

With Charlotte's rising cost of living he said it's nearly impossible to survive off just his wife’s income.

Bridges could be considered overqualified for many positions thanks to his college degrees and work experience in human resources.

But, he is not picky.

“I just applied to be a trash man, because I just need a job,” Bridges said.

And for now, he’s having better luck asking for jobs on the street than applying online.

“I’ll be out here passing out resumes until somebody can give me a job. I just need an opportunity from somebody. Just one person,” Bridges said.