Judge strikes down NC law criminalizing voting for people with felony convictions

NORTH CAROLINA — A federal judge has struck down a North Carolina law criminalizing voting for people with felony convictions, court documents show.


Judge Loretta C. Biggs said the law, which dates back to 1877, “was enacted with discriminatory intent, has not been cleansed of its discriminatory taint, and continues to disproportionately impact Black voters.” She also said it “fails to provide clear standards to prevent arbitrary enforcement.”

The law does not affect voter eligibility for felons, who are still ineligible until they complete their sentences.

A law passed last year clarifies that felons can’t be prosecuted for voting unless they knew their voting rights had not been restored.

The judge’s decision could be appealed to a higher court.

(WATCH BELOW: NC trial judges again allow more felony offenders to vote)

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