
‘I know she’s in God’s hands’: Family mourns mom of 2 killed outside apartment


CHARLOTTE — The family of a woman killed in a shooting last week spoke to Channel 9 about who she was and her last words to them.

Police said 23-year-old JeNyah “Skyye” Wright died early Friday morning just outside her home in southeast Charlotte. Warrants show police that believe her boyfriend, Charles Hodge, was responsible.

“That was my that was my daughter and I loved her with all my heart,” said Christopher Wright. “When she left, my heart went with her.”

The Wright family said their hearts are shattered into a million pieces as they try to process an unimaginable loss.

“The night before was the last time I heard the door saying, ‘Mommy, I’m stealing some of your spray, and I’ll be back, and I love you,’” said her mom, Angelle Wright.

Those were the last words she heard from her daughter, JeNyah, who went by Skyye. Angelle said it was around 3 a.m. Friday morning when she got the knock no parent wants.

“They came and gave me the announcement that she had she was the victim of a homicide, and she had died from a gunshot wound. That’s how that was,” she said.

Skyye was killed just feet away from the Mission Matthews Place Apartments. Her mom said she and Hodge had been dating for two months.

“Nothing that she could have done to warrant what he did,” Angelle Wright said. “She’s a 23-year-old female. You’re a 25-year-old man, and your cowardliness allowed you to pull that trigger.”

Skyye’s dad was emotional when he spoke.

“He took my baby from me, from us, for no reason,” he said. “No reason.”

Skyye’s uncle said while he’s filled with grief, he’s holding on to precious memories they shared.

“Even though she was my niece, our relationship was more like brother and sister,” Azeez Coles said.

Skyye leaves behind two little boys of her own.

“I have a mission to take care of her babies and keep her name alive,” her mom said. “I can’t stress it enough, how great a mother she was.”

“I know she’s in God’s hands,” her dad said. “That’s the best place for her to be, but I want her in my hands.”

Skyye’s family is asking for help. If you would like to assist the Wright family during this difficult time, click here to donate to their GoFundMe.

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, click here for a list of state and national resources. Victims of domestic violence who seek to file or renew 50B Domestic Violence Protective Orders (DVPOs) or 50C No-Contact Orders can click here.

As always, you can call the 24-hour Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline at 980-771-HOPE.

(WATCH BELOW: Police: Man shot, killed after argument at Mooresville apartment complex)