
‘Grinch’ gives toys to kids at toy store hit by thieves in south Charlotte

CHARLOTTE — The Grinch’s heart grew three sizes after learning about a south Charlotte toy store that was robbed - twice - weeks before Christmas.

Well-known YouTuber “JD Made Your Day” dressed up as the Grinch and gave out presents to kids at Harper and Skyler’s Toys and Sweets on Saturday.

The toy store partners with charities and other organizations for toy donations.

He said he saw the story Channel 9 aired, which shows security footage of the robbery, and wanted to help out.

“Something bad happened this week. We can turn that around as a community. We can turn around reach out and fix things for him,” he said.

CMPD has not announced arrests in either cases.

(WATCH: Rapper DaBaby gives presents, clothes to families in need at Charlotte church)