
‘Extremely aggressive’ rodeo bull on the loose in Stanly County, police say


NORWOOD, N.C. — A rodeo bull is on the loose in Stanly County, police said in a Facebook post.

The Norwood Police Department said the bull escaped the Stanly County Livestock Market, a stockyard on Indian Mound Road.

The bull is chocolate in color and is “extremely aggressive,” police said.

“If you see this bull, please call 911 immediately and under no circumstances should you approach the animal as he will chase you,” the police department posted.

As of 3 p.m. Thursday, the Norwood Police Department had not updated the social media post on the bull’s whereabouts.

The Norwood Police Department said this is their first experience with an escaped rodeo bull in the town.

On Friday, police said the livestock auction had called in professional cowboys to corral the bull without any luck earlier this week.

Marcus Harward with the Stanly County Livestock Market said they sell 150,000 cattle a year across four states. He said the bull was in the barn for just an hour Wednesday during their regular 10 a.m. sale when it broke out of the barn, busting through four or five boards.

Harward said they sent out drones, horses and dogs to find the bull -- without luck, which is abnormal. He believes eventually they’ll find him in a pasture because the bull will look for grass, water and cows.

(VIDEO: Officials: 1 person found dead after Norwood house fire)