
‘Everybody is a target’: CMPD investigates series of ATM robberies


CHARLOTTE — The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department is investigating a series of robberies in north Charlotte.

Police said multiple robbers have been sitting at the Bank of America on Arbor Creek Drive and waiting for residents to withdraw money from the ATM before approaching them with guns.

Those robberies occurred on different days at the beginning of August, and more than $700 was stolen.

One of the victims told Channel 9 that when he went to the ATM, someone appeared from around a corner and put a gun to his head. After he put his car into the park, the victim claimed multiple other people opened his car doors and jumped inside with their firearms.

He said they then ran away after he gave them $200 from the ATM.

Sean Richardson, who owns Universal Cuts Barbershop, said he has noticed an uptick in crime in the area.

He said one of his barbers had a similar experience at the same Bank of America when they pulled behind a car at the drive-through ATM.

“Another car approached him from behind, and they kind of boxed him in. It was then that he felt his life was in fear too, and he set his gun on his dashboard. The drivers in the front saw it and immediately took off,” Richardson explained.

Both the victim and Richardson said they noticed the CMPD watch tower installed in the parking lot of that bank. And while it made them feel safer, they still expressed concerns.

“Everybody is a target. I don’t think it’s a different nationality. I just think everybody is a target,” Richardson expressed.

CMPD is asking anyone with information about these robberies to call Crime Stoppers at 704-334-1600.

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