
Deputies chase stolen semi through 2 counties


CHARLOTTE, NC — Deputies chased a stolen semi-truck through two counties Sunday night - ending in northwest Charlotte.

Video from a Channel 9 viewer shows the chase at Beatties Ford Road and Hamilton Circle. You see the big rig flash by the camera and a large group of deputy cruisers behind it.

The chase began in Cabarrus County after deputies got a call about a truck stolen from Saddle Creek Logistics  in Harrisburg.

The truck had a GPS unit inside, so deputies were able to track it down. They actually knew who the driver was because he was temporary worker with the company.

At first, the truck stopped, but then rammed into a deputy's cruiser and took off again.

After deputies finally got the truck stopped, they charged 24-year-old Darius Thrower with a long list of offenses including assault on a government official, injury to personal property, and possession of a stolen vehicle.