Community meeting planned to discuss bacteria outbreak in Lake Norman

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LAKE NORMAN, N.C. — Unusual bacteria that is bad for swimmers, pets, and jet skis and is estimated to be on 10 acres of Lake Norman. Neighbors want it treated before it gets worse.

Lyngbya cyanobacteria, a blue-green algae, is popping up more and more in Lake Norman.

“I started seeing it in the water and said, ‘What the heck is that?’” resident Bob Watson said.

Watson and Bob Menzel have since learned much more than they ever thought they would about the bacteria. It’s bad for lakes and not great for humans either. State health officials said people and pets should avoid it.

“They said don’t swim in it, don’t even get near it, don’t ski through it,” Watson said.

Watson says officials need to treat the algae by April for it to be effective before the weather warms up and people swarm to the lake.

If they wait too long, the bacteria will create a shield around itself and continue to spread.

Residents are pushing for state funding to address the problem and in the meantime, are trying to raise money to get a head start on getting rid of it.

“We got to deal with it before it gets out of hand,” he said.

There is a community meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday at The Peninsula Club in Cornelius to talk about ways to pay for the treatment before state lawmakers can officially approve money for it.